My crazy life

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I've been tagged

Alan Cross has tagged me, this tagfest has been making its rounds thru the baptist blogs recently.

1. One book that changed your life: Prayer of Jabez by Bruce Wilkinson, I know how corny that may sound, but reading this book activated faith I needed at a difficult time early in my walk with Christ.
2. One book that you've read more than once: A Man After God's own Heart, Jim George. Good stuff about living life as a man.
3. One book that you'd want on a desert island: No intellectual or witty answer here, The Bible
4. One book that made you laugh: I'm drawing a blank on this one, I usually read for serious reasons, not to get a laugh. (I don't read much, I'm more of a visual/relational learner)
5. One book that made you cry: Never cried reading a book that I can remember.
6. One book that you wish you had written: Primary Purpose, Ted Haggard-- awesome book about being intentional with evangelism
7. One book you wish had never been written: Your Best Life Now, Joel Osteen. No need for a comment.
8. One book that you are currently reading: Waking the Dead, John Eldridge
9. One book that you've been meaning to read: Getting Things Done by David Allen - great organization system I've been researching lately.

Here's been tagged now, The Meat Man-Wesley, Kiki Cherry, Fran McCorkle, Robert Crowell


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