It looks like the house is going to sell, so it's going to be moving time pretty soon. The realtor initally said the closing would be Nov 16th, but he said it might be after Thanksgiving when I talked to him today. Moving is always crazy no matter what. I am still trying to figure out where I want to move to, if it is going to be an apartment or if I want to try to find a house that will fit my budget better. And if I get an apartment, if I can keep my cats or not. Maybe one of these days I'll post some pics of them on my flickr site.
I'm reading a pretty cool book for my Sunday School class called
The Pressure's Off by Larry Crabb. It's a pretty good book that contrasts the life lived to gain blessings versus the life lived to gain a hope thru seeking a closer relationship with Christ. It has really made me think about how I have lived out my faith and my walk with God.
Tommorrow is dress up day at work, I'm curious to see what the costumes are, who knows maybe I might dress up ;-).
Depending where I do end up living, I might have to cancel/delay the surgery I have scheduled in December for my foot.
Grove was good this week, I have the pleasure of meeting Linnie Dickson from
The Shepherd's Staff. He shared his awesome testimony and shared about the work that his ministry does. I'm hoping that the Grove will get involved and volunteer to help, if not I might volunteer by myself.
I'm headed back to my high school tommorrow night for the Homecoming football game.
I'm looking forward to it in some ways, in others I am not. High School holds mostly painful memories of bullying and hazing that I endured. I don't really have any meaningful lasting relationships that have come from that time in my life. But I'll get to spend some time with my parents and with my fiancee.
I'll probably post again Monday and recap my weekend then, so may God bless you until then :).